Empty legs

A convenient way to rent an entire jet
and save your budget

Empty leg - empty airplane flights
Renting a private jet is not only a way to travel, but also an opportunity to feel your own exclusivity. As well as many other attributes of a truly luxurious lifestyle, business aviation is quickly becoming a habit and customers no longer want to deny themselves the opportunity to order a jet instead of a regular flight.
Passengers who often choose flights on private jets are aware of such a flight option as empty legs. The choice of empti legs helps to find more favorable offers for the cost of a flight or the choice of a higher-class flight.
Empty leg flights are empty airplane flights. They appear when one passenger rents a private jet according to their route and schedule. However, the passenger's departure point is not the airport of the board's base, but some other one and it is necessary to get from the home airport to the starting point of the client's flight. For example, a passenger needs to fly from Berlin to Rome. And for his task, the most convenient board standing in Moscow turned out to be. The client does not want, of course, to order a business jet from Moscow, he orders from Berlin. In this case, the Moscow – Berlin flight will be an empty leg flight.
Another passenger, who just needs to go to Berlin, and he is ready to adjust his own schedule, can rent this plane at a very favorable cost, which will have to cover the minimum cost of passenger service and crew work.
Empty Legs is a great way to start exploring the field of business aviation. The only pitfall in empty legs flights is that they are extremely difficult to find without the help of a broker.
Contact Diamond Aero and follow the update of the "empty legs current flights" offers on our website.


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